Amber shore pictures Story

One of my fondest childhood recollections transports me to the shores of the Baltic Sea. It is a fond memory of moments spent in the company of my family, as we delighted in the sun-drenched coastline. My brother and I were digging holes in the sand and the warm summer weather felt just right. I can still envision my mother's diligent search for fragments of amber, gifted to us by the sea. With the sand between our toes, the fresh air embracing us, and the occasional mischievous seagulls eyeing our sandwiches, life felt serene and uncomplicated. It was the harmonious union of sand, sea, the purity of fresh air, and family. At that time, there was not a worry in the world and life was simple and peaceful. My father captured these moments with his camera and etched them into our hearts forever.

This is what Amber Shore means to me, and I wish every family would have memories just like that - warm, peaceful and simple. This is why I made it my mission - to create moments for families that are fond to remember. The family life starts with the wedding, but goes much further than that, and I am here to document the moments that make life.

KRis and Ruta Story

Lake Tahoe Wedding Cinematographer

Let’s start over. Hello! We are Kris & Ruta Swanson, a husband and wife team of professional photographers / videographers. We love the art of visual storytelling and worked on many, very different projects together, but our main focus here is your wedding, your family, your legacy. What could be more important than preserving the very essence of your life changing moments? We think the answer is living in the moment, enjoying all the moments, and knowing that those moments will be covered. We are there documenting your day while you're enjoying your wedding, so you can relive them later, so you can remember moments that otherwise would have slipped through the memory lane like sand slips in your hand. We're there to document the big moments, but most importantly, we pay incredible attention to subtle details, subtle, fragile, moments that are so close to our hearts. We're here to guide you, place you in the best light, but also, we're here to remind you why you are there. You're here to celebrate and take this whole day in it's fullest.

We take immense pride in crafting cinematic imagery infused with a timeless allure, blending a classic sensibility with a touch of contemporary finesse. We harbor an unwavering passion for the artistry of photography and wedding films, which is only rivaled by our profound appreciation for a delightful cup of coffee. We extend a warm invitation for you to join us in partaking in this cherished ritual, envisioning your wedding day and collaboratively planning the capture of your unique stories. Above all, we consider ourselves storytellers, entrusted with the honor of narrating your unique tale. It would be our utmost delight to capture the essence of your cherished moments, forever etching them in the annals of time.

The Swansons

Amber Shore Pictures

11 N. Sierra St. Suite #103

Reno, NV 89431

(206) 393 7778