Planning Lake Tahoe Engagement Session

Preparing for your engagement photo session in the breathtaking beauty of Lake Tahoe can be both exciting and slightly overwhelming. To ease your journey, we've compiled answers to some of the most frequently asked questions, ensuring that you're well-equipped to make the most of this memorable experience.

Why Choose Lake Tahoe for Your Engagement Photos?

Most of our couples choose Lake Tahoe because of the past memories created here. Some spent childhood summers with their families here, some have found this place in adulthood and keep coming back. In either way, if Lake Tahoe holds a special place in your heart, it's the right place for your engagement photos. Whether you're drawn to the tranquil shores of the lake, the lush forests, or the majestic mountains, the diversity of settings ensures a collection of enchanting images that reflect your unique love story. Lake Tahoe's captivating landscapes provide a stunning backdrop for this special occasion.

What is the Best Time for an Engagement Session?

The best time for your engagement session depends on your desired atmosphere. The "golden hour" shortly before sunset bathes Lake Tahoe in a soft, warm light, while sunrise sessions offer a serene and magical quality. If you enjoy early mornings, I strongly suggest morning sessions in the summertime, when everything is still quiet and the heat of the day hasn't set in yet. If you are planning a session done in the wintertime, I suggest evenings, since mornings are very chilly up here. The nice thing about winter and early spring sessions in Tahoe is that it's not crawling with crowds of people yet, and parking is rarely an issue. You can get to prime spots and be the only ones there! How cool is that?!

How Do We Choose a Location?

Lake Tahoe offers a plethora of stunning locations, each with its own appeal. From the iconic Emerald Bay to lesser-known gems. We will guide you in selecting spots that resonate with your love story.

What Attire Works Best Against Lake Tahoe's Backdrop?

The natural beauty of Lake Tahoe calls for attire that complements the environment. Soft, neutral colors work well against the stunning backdrop, while comfortable footwear is essential for exploring various terrains.

Should We Include Props in Our Photos?

Incorporating elements that hold significance to both of you can infuse your engagement photos with authenticity. Whether it's a shared hobby, sentimental items, or even a beloved pet, these personal touches add depth to your images. However, relying heavily on the props can take out the spark out of the moment. There's always a compromise!

We like candid engagement photos. How do you achieve this?

Creating candid, natural-looking photos is a core focus for us. During your engagement session, we'll explore picturesque locations, engage in casual conversations, and even share a few laughs. Think of it as a rehearsal for your wedding day, where we'll gently guide you through actions and conversations that naturally elicit genuine emotions and candid moments. This collaborative approach results in photos that authentically portray your unique connection as a couple.

In the beginning, you might feel a bit reserved, which is completely normal. I can guarantee that you'll soon relax and thoroughly enjoy the experience.

We got our engagement picture gallery. What should we do with Our Photos?

Your engagement photos can serve various purposes beyond creating beautiful memories. They can be used for save-the-date cards, invitations, personalized wedding decor, or simply as a heartfelt keepsake of this significant time in your lives. If it is not included in your package, you can request us to design a custom sign-in book for your wedding guests. These pictures will be cherished for a long time! Keep in mind, that at your engagement session we will have at least an hour together and create memories at a relaxed pace, where you can soak in the experience. On a wedding day we are lucky to squeeze in 30 minutes of romantic sunset photos of just the two of you, so it really pays off to have a practice run beforehand.


Yes, you can. Please CLICK HERE to see Andrea and Carlos Lake Tahoe engagement session. They even brought their pup Cali to this adorable session. Enjoy!



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